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Dutch Kennel Club signs letter of intent for use BOAS-test with English KC and Cambridge University

To FCI Kennel Clubs


Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you of the recent update on the short-muzzled dogs issue.

This press release was issued recently.

Please feel free to use it in your media.


Dutch Kennel Club signs letter of intent for use BOAS-test with English KC and Cambridge University

On Thursday September 3 rd , The Dutch Kennel Club signed the letter of intent with the English Kennel Club.

All parties have expressed the intention to outline a commitment of a proposed license agreement with the Kennel Club and Cambridge University as soon as possible.

The goal is to implement the use of the Respiratory Function Grading Scheme (RFG scheme) for the Pug, French Bulldog and English Bulldog.

This makes the Netherlands the first country, after the United Kingdom, where the official Respiratory Function Grading Scheme can be applied to certain breeds.

This scheme aims to provide a universal standard in recognizing BOAS (airway problems), but also to identify dogs that are free from respiratory problems.

Conducting this scientifically based and validated test is reserved for specifically trained veterinarians. The name and logo may only be used when the Kennel Club and the trained veterinarians meet all the conditions.

The Dutch Kennel Club, represented by its director Rony Doedijns, signed this letter of intent on September 3 rd , 2020 in the presence of board member for breeding and health Gabri Kolster and breed clubs representatives of Commedia and Shih Tzu Club Nederland.

These two breed clubs will be the first to collaborate with the Dutch Kennel Club to implement the license in the breed specific breeding rules for the Pug and Shih Tzu.


If you want more information or have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Best regards, Rony Doedijns | Director

………………………………………………………………. Dutch Kennel Club 'Board of Directors


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