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לאור דחיית התערוכה העולמית שהייתה אמורה להתקיים השנה במדריד, לשנת 2022 החליטו ב FCI להציע למשתתפי תערוכה זו כמו גם בעולמית המתוכננת בשנה זו בסאו פאולו / ברזיל, תארים משותפים. A Post by Tamás Jakkel : A SPECIAL, EXCLUSIVE AND UNIQUE AWARD ESTABLISHED BY THE FCI IN THE OCCASION OF ITS 111th ANNIVERSARY IN 2022. SUPPORTING AND PROMOTING THE FCI WORLD SHOW 2020.& 2022!!! FCI DOG OF THE YEAR 2022. FCI JUNIOR DOG OF THE YEAR 2022. FCI VETERAN DOG OF THE YEAR 2022. for all those dogs who will win both respective FCI World Winner titles 2020. (in Madrid), AND 2022.( in Sao Paolo). The 2 Kennel Clubs got the right to organize the FCI World Show awarding the FCI World Winner titles 2020. Solely in Madrid (the Junior title will be called " Junior World Winner 2020.(22.)") and the World Winner (also Junior, and Veteran) titles 2022. Solely and exclusively in Sao Paolo. A long and finally successful negotiation was initiated by the FCI based on the wish of the RSCE (Spanish Kennel Club) between their and the CBKC's (Brazilian Kennel Club) leaders. The online meetings had been chaired by me with the participation of the FCI Executive Director Yves De Clercq. During the negotiation many options have been discussed. On behalf of the institute of the FCI I proposed to establish these special "once-in-the-history" official FCI awards to promote our unprecedented 2 FCI World Shows in the same calendar year and also thanking the participants, especially the generosity of the CBKC Board for their strong will helping the FCI to keep its unified spirit in the interest of our breeders and exhibitors for the sake of Pedigrée dogs' breeding, Needless to say that the FCI General Committee unanimously supported the initiative in order to get the Agreement between the 2 Kennel Clubs involved. I personally THANK to everyone who was involved in the procedure to make it possible to happen! Everyone understood how to act and cooperate generously in these difficult times! להלן ההודעה הרשמית שפורסמה באתר ה FCI – הקליקו


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